- Lincoln High School
- About Our School
About LHS
Page Navigation
- About Our School
- Administration
- Academics, Grading, and Promotions
- Cell Phones, Electronics, and Prohibited Materials
- Contact Information
- Core Values
- Detention
- School Statistics
- Social Suspension
- Student Dress Code
- Student Handbook
- The Alternative Classroom (TAC)
- “Why Lincoln High School is Right For Me…”
Mission Statement
Lincoln Public Schools is committed to excellence. In partnership with all members of the Lincoln community, we inspire and empower each student to excel personally and intellectually, embrace social and individual responsibility, and lead with integrity.
School Information & Policies
Social Media #Engagement
Athletics Instagram: @lincoln__ri_athletics
Athletics Twitter: @LHSRI_Athletics
Design Tech Twitter: @LHS_DesignTech
English Twitter: @English_LHS
Journalism Twitter: @LincolnHSRoar
LHS Instragram: @lincolnhighschoolri
LHS Twitter: @LHSRI
Mr. Hopkins Twitter: @KenHopkinsJr
Mr. Cobb’s Twitter: @Cobb45M
PE Instagram: @LHSPE
PE Twitter: @LHSPhysEd
World Languages Instagram: @lhsworldlanguagedept
LHS Library on Twitter: @LHSLionLibrarian
LHS Library on Instagram: @lhslibrarian