• Welcome to the Music Department


    • Performing arts programs at Lincoln High School provide young adults an environment where they can learn, become part of a community, express themselves and discover a sense of self. Each program helps students develop listening and communication skills and increases self-confidence.

      Additional to the inherent thrill of performing, skills developed in the performing arts are invaluable to young adult learners and demonstrably affect all areas of school and life extra-curricular life. Renewed imagination and improved critical thinking skills combine with a new sense of personal worth that drives improvement in all academic areas. Opportunites are also available for students to secure leadership positions that help guide the music programs by contributing to decisions of each performing ensemble.

      Students who take part in our thriving music program receive multiple opportunities to perform in the community, state, as well as adjudication festivals across the United States. Many students are also encouraged to take part in All-State auditions/opportunities. Lincoln High School’s music department is proud to be connected to collegiate level professors and music programs offered in Rhode Island from URI, RIC, Providence College, and Brown University, as well as the LHS music faculty being proud members of the Rhode Island Music Educator’s Association and American Choral Director’s Association.

      Course Offered:

      • LHS Band Website (Year-round course)
      • LHS Choir Website (Year round Course)
      • Select Chorus (After school, once a week) – Mr. Lahoud lahoudb@lincolnps.org
      • Jazz Band (meets once a week) – Mr. Enos enosd@lincolnps.org
      • Music Appreciation (half year course)
      • Music Production I (half year course)
      • Music Production II (half year course)
      • Music theory (half year course)
      • LHS Music Honor’s Society: TRI-M

      All-State information provided by the Rhode Island Music Educators Association

      Check out our most recent concert performances thanks to Band parent Mr. Hasegawa!