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A Look at Lincoln High School by the Numbers
The School
Lincoln High School is a public, comprehensive, four-year school, grades 9-12.
Enrollment (as of Sept. 2017)
Class of 2017: 195
Grades 9-12: 878The Staff
Teaching Faculty: 71
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:14
Counselor/Student Ratio: 1:25654% of the teaching staff have Master’s degrees or higher. 100% of the counseling staff have Master’s Degrees.
The Community
Lincoln is a suburban town of 21,105 (2010 Census) located about 10 miles north of Providence. The town has a total area of 18.9 square miles. Lincoln primarily a residential community for metropolitan Providence. Very recently, the town was ranked #63 in Money Magazine’s “Beset Places To Live”. Lincoln possesses its share of several large businesses and manufacturing establishments. The estimated family income is 13.0% higher than the Rhode ISland median family income.
The Marking System
A+ (97-100) A (93-100) A- (90-92)
B+ (87-89) B (83-86) B- (80-82)
C+ (77-79) C (73-76) C- (70-72)
F (55-69) No Credit; summer school make-up permitted
U (0-54) No Credit; summer school make-up not permitted
W (Withdrawal) No Credit
I (Incomplete) No CreditGPA
The grade point average (GPA) is based on the unweighted average of gradesin all courses taken at Lincoln High School using a 4.3 scael for grades A-U.
Class Rank
The cumulative, weighted rank includes all the courses taken by a student as compared to all other students in the graduating class. Weighting is based on course levels (College Preparatory, Honors, etc.). The weighted values vary due to the leveling: Advanced Placement (AP) are weighted a 5, Honors courses are weighted a 4, College Preparatory are weighted a 3, and all other classes are weighted a 2.
Graduation Requirements
Successful completion of Exhibition and Portfolio, plus 22 credits* of:
- English [4 years, 4 credits]
- Mathematics [4 years, 4 credits]
- Science [3 years, 3 credits]
- Social Studies [2 years, 2 credits]
- American History [1 year, 1 credit]
- Physical Education [4 semesters, 2 credits]
- Fine Arts [1 semester, ½ credit]
- Civic Responsibility [1 semester, ½ credit, including 15 hours of community service]
- Electives [varies, 7 credits]
*Class of 2021 and beyond must receive 23 credits. Please see Program Of Studies for full details.
Summer School
A summer school grade is shown on the transcript along with the original grade.
Core Curriculum
Lincoln High School’s rigorous college preparatory curriculum provides students with the opportunity to achieve in all disciplines. Students’ schedules are comprised of seven courses. On a daily basis five courses meet for sixty-two minute periods. Students, parents/guardians have yearly access to our extension Program of Studies detailing specific courses, academies, and expectations for our academic requirements.
Our curriculum and programs are designed:
- To accommodate students that learn at different rates. Students will be exposed to a variety of instructional approaches and materials.
- To accommodate students who learn at a relatively slower rate, instruction in the basic skills will be in classes that have more individualized instruction.
- To accommodate students who quickly grasp concrete and abstract concepts. Accelerated courses which are noted for their rigor and high academic expectations are offered. Students are expected to work more independently in these courses.
Special Curriculum Features
- Advanced Placement courses are offered in Calculus, US History, European History, Statistics, Political Science, English, Psychology, Physics, Biology, and Spanish.
- Concurrent Enrollment (off-campus study) and Work Study.
- Early Enrollment Program in conjunction with Rhode Island College (RIC) in Honors Chemistry II, AP Spanish, and AP US History.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Lincoln High School offers 19 different AP courses. In May of 2017, 237 AP exams were taken by 223 students that attended Lincoln High School.
2017 AP Test Results Section Average
Score 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Biology 3.152 3.718 4.000 3.833 3.750 Calculus AB 4.750 4.786 4.724 4.756 4.625 Calculus BC * * * * 4.929 Chemistry * * * 2.375 * Comparative Govt. * * * 4.000 4.273 English Lang/Comp * * * 4.000 3.882 English Lit/Comp 3.786 3.647 3.778 3.370 3.538 Govt. & Politics 3.100 3.560 3.818 2.923 3.857 Human Geography * * 3.833 3.731 3.813 Physics I 2.080 1.167 1.250 2.650 3.800 Psychology 3.556 3.509 3.833 3.259 4.316 Spanish * 3.500 3.556 2.643 2.750 Statistics 2.758 3.154 3.375 * 4.133 US History 3.655 3.788 3.762 4.364 4.700 World History * * * 3.625 3.886 Post-Secondary Education
Class of 2017 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 % of students4 Year College 70 55 60 52 56 55 2 Year College 19 29 27 34 27 29 Other Schools * 6 1 2 1 1 Total 89 90 88 88 84 85 CEEB Test Scores (CEEB Code: 400059)
Class of 2017 2016 Mean Scores SAT Reading n/a 525 SAT Math 605 527 SAT Writing 616 508 Files: