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Welcome to World Languages
Lincoln High School offers World Language courses in French, Portuguese, and Spanish. Today’s global economy requires young people to engage in a world that speaks many languages. Students will be instructed in these languages by means of the five Cs of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages World-Readiness Standards for Learning Language: Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. Students will also have access to a state of the art language laboratory for practice with pronunciation, listening comprehension, and simulated conversation scenarios. Students who excel in languages will have opportunities to demonstrate their skill on exams such as the Le Grand Concours, National Portuguese Exam and National Spanish Exam. For those interested in earning the RIDE Commissioner’s Seal of Biliteracy Council Designation on their diploma, students will be offered the ACTFL Assessment of Performance towards Proficiency in Languages exam. A course on Italian, Portuguese or Spanish shall be offered whenever twenty high school students shall request such a course (16-22-8 General Laws of R.I.).
Courses Offered:
- French 1-5
- Spanish 1-5
- Spanish for Business
- Spanish for Health Care
- Portuguese 1-4