Academics at LHS


At a Glance

  • Our philosophy is focused on the concept of a core curriculum and within the core curriculum our programs are designed:

    • to accommodate students who learn at an average but varying time rate, and are characterized by curriculums that are arranged in a sequential progression in grades K-12 based on individual student needs. Students in these curriculums will be exposed to a variety of instructional approaches and materials.

    • for students who learn at a relatively slower rate of time and who are in need of a developmental style of instruction in the basic skills, there are classes characterized by smaller size and individualized instructions.

    • Lincoln recognizes that there are students who quickly grasp concrete and abstract concepts. Therefore, a program of accelerated courses which are noted for their rigor and high academic expectations is offered. Students in this program require little structure and are proficient in basic skills. These students are expected to work more independently on reading, writing, research, and problem solving assignments.

  • Academics, Grading, and Promotions

  • Core Values

  • Courses Offered

  • Individualized Learning Plans

  • PBGR School Wide Rubrics