Prohibited Materials
Items, which interfere directly with the educational environment, are banned from Lincoln High School. Among such items are: *cellular telephones, laser pointers, radios, *iPods, *MP3 devices, beepers, hacky sacks, frisbees, skate boards, squirt guns and all electronic devices not required for classroom instruction, as well as smoking materials which include electronic cigarettes, cigarettes, tobacco products, lighters and matches, etc. At times, cellular phones or smartphones will be allowed for academic purposes at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Smoking materials, illegal substances and accompanying paraphernalia will not be returned and students will be subjected to an immediate additional administrative consequence. Other prohibited items may be picked up the same day in the Main Office after the dismissal bell for a first offense. For subsequent offenses, the item may be returned the following school day after the dismissal bell. At the discretion of an administrator, a parent or guardian may be required to pickup the item. Students who are repeat offenders may face further disciplinary consequences for continuing to bring prohibited items into the building.
* see technology process
Technology Process
Student use of technology during the school day:
- Students may use technology in the lunch room during their lunch periods and during passing time between classes only.
- Students may not use technology in the classroom unless it is directed by a teacher. The teacher will determine the appropriate use of the technology in his/her classroom.
- Each individual teacher will direct the students as to when they can use technology in the classroom.
- Students may not use technology in class if a substitute teacher is in the classroom.
- Students may not use technology during tests/quizzes.
- Students may not use technology (other than as required by the teacher) in The Alternative Classroom (TAC).
If a teacher asks a student to put the technology away, the student must comply with the request. The teacher will follow the following protocol if the student refuses:
- a) Ask the student to put the technology away. Give a verbal warning, this is the only warning.
- b) If a student refuses the teacher request or is caught again, verbally
- explain to the student that a disciplinary referral will be submitted.
Source: LHS Student Handbook