- Lincoln High School
- Academics, Grading, and Promotions
About LHS
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- Academics, Grading, and Promotions
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- “Why Lincoln High School is Right For Me…”
Policies listed here on the website are for informational purposes. Any accidental discrepancies on this site should not be interpreted as overriding published school department policy in the Student Handbook or other documents.
Course Requirements
Students must pursue a minimum of 7 credits each year. Physical Education must be taken and passed each year that a student is enrolled in Lincoln High School. Over the four years, if all subjects are successfully completed, each student will have accumulated between 23-28 credits.
To receive the Lincoln High School diploma, students need 23 credits as well as successfully completing the Exhibition graduation requirement.
Please click here to see the new Course Requirements to graduate based on the Program Of Studies
Areas of Interest
Vision Of A Graduate
Our "Vision Of A Graduate" work begins upon entry into the Lincoln Public Schools system, and continues through graduation upon completing high school. This is done by a culmination of the learning, acquired skills, and demonstrations of proficiency that occur overtime during a student's education throughout Lincoln Public Schools. The Vision is embedded in the culture, practices, and lessons presented to students.
Below is a graphic representation of the vision we have for all Lincoln Lions at the time of graduation:
Credit Distribution Requirements
Graduation Requirements for Class of 2025, 2026, and 2027
English 4 Mathematics 4 Physical Education/Health 2 Science (includes Biology) 3 Social Studies (includes US) 3 Fine Arts ½ Civic Responsibility ½ Choice of Electives 6* Total minimum credits 23 *one credit must be Authentic & Applied Learning Elective & successful completion of the LHS Exhibition Graduation requirement
Graduation Requirements for Class of 2028 and Beyond
English 4 Mathematics (includes Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry) 4 Physical Education/Health 2 Science (includes Biology) 3 Social Studies (includes US) 3 World Language 1-2 Fine Arts ½ Civic Responsibility ½ Choice of Electives 4-5* Total minimum credits 23 *one credit must be Authentic & Applied Learning Elective & successful completion of the LHS Exhibition Graduation requirement
Authentic & Applied Learning Electives
Courses that meet the applied learning requirements challenge students to deeply apply their knowledge through performance based assessments and tasks:
● Anatomy
● AP Comparative Government
● AP Computer Science
● AP Computer Science Principles
● AP French (VHS Learning)
● AP Portuguese (VHS Learning)
● AP Seminar
● AP Spanish
● AP Studio Art
● Architectural Engineering & Design
● Automotive Technology Apprenticeship
● Auto Tech I
● Auto Tech II
● Auto Tech III
● Baking and Pastry
● Basic House Wiring
● Biotechnology
● Broadcast Journalism
● Business Basics
● College/Career Planning for Seniors● Computer Animation I
● Computer Animation II
● Computers in Management
● Computer Toolbox
● Construction Technologies
● Criminal Justice
● Culinary Arts
● Design & Engineering Capstone
● Intro to Engineering Design I
● Early Childhood Teaching & Learning
● Entrepreneurship - Shark Tank
● Exhibition
● Fabrication Technologies
● Financial & Managerial Accounting
● First Responder
● Graphic Design I
● Graphic Design II
● House Wiring II
● International Business I● International Business II
● Introduction to Journalism
● Law & Order
● Leadership & Management in Business
● Marketing and Social Media
● Multi-Genre Writing
● Music Production I
● Music Production II
● Music Theory
● Personal Finance
● Principles of Engineering Design II
● Public Speaking
● Real Estate, Homes, & Loans
● Robotics & Automation
● Small Engines Technology
● Sports & Entertainment Marketing
● Topics in Journalism
● Woodturning
● Woodworking Technologies I
● Woodworking Technologies II -
Alternate Programs
Alternate programs are various programs designed to meet the needs of students in a number of ways. These programs either supplement or replace the regular school day by offering educational experiences beyond the Lincoln High School campus. Information concerning the following programs is available in the Guidance office through your guidance counselor.
- Advanced Placement (AP) Program
- CTE - Career and Technical Education Programs
- Early Enrollment Program (EEP)
- Early Admission to college during the senior year of high school
- VHS Learning - online classes available at LHS
- Commissioner's Seal
- Seal of Bi-Literacy
Failure or Unsatisfactory Work Report
This report form is used at any time by a teacher to inform a student’s parents or guardian of the student’s unsatisfactory performance in class or impending failure in a subject. This form will be forwarded to the student’s parent(s) or guardian. The parent or guardian must sign it and have it returned by the student within three days of its receipt. Failure to return required signed notices will result in teacher detention.
Honor Roll
First Honors A student who achieves a GPA of 3.640 or higher shall have earned First Honors. Second Honors A student who achieves a GPA of 3.300 to 3.639 shall have earned Second Honors. Third Honors A student who achieves a GPA of 2.920 to 3.299 shall have earned Third Honors. -
Marking System
Letter Grade Numerical Range A+ 97-100 A 93-96 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 F (no credit) 55-69 U (no credit) 0-54 Note: Students who earn a grade of “F” as a final course grade may enroll in summer school in order to make up the failed course. A Lincoln High School proficiency exam may be required in specific subject areas. Students who earn a grade of “U” are ineligible to attend summer school for the purpose of making up the course.
A Lincoln High School proficiency exam may be required in specific subject areas.
Students who earn a grade of “U” are ineligible to attend summer school for the purpose of making up the course. (see below)
Students have up to two weeks after a quarter ends to make up any I (incomplete) grade.
Students are promoted not by academic years, but by units of credits accumulated from year to year. To progress into the next grade, a student must attain a minimum number of credits in accordance with the following:
To be promoted into: Minimum Credits Grade 10 5 Grade 11 11 Grade 12 16 Graduation 23 -
Recommended College Course Distribution
A student planning college entrance should consult college catalogues and his/her counselor regarding the specific requirements of the colleges to which he/she is applying, as soon as possible after entering high school.
Report Cards
Report cards are distributed to students at quarterly intervals during the school year. These reports include a grade in achievement in all subjects taken by the student and the number of absences. In addition, each of the student’s teachers usually indicates explanatory comments. Students and families receive report cards via email, and are scheduled by quarter with progress reports that are through SKYWARD per the Guidance Department ,marking period schedule. SKYWARD is accessible to all students and families to review grades at any time. If you cannot access SKYWARD, please reset password here or reach out to your Guidance Department.
Student Exams
All students are required to take mid-term and final examinations in each course in which they are enrolled with one exception. At the dis-cretion of the teacher, seniors with an “A” average may be exempt from taking the final exam for full year courses and the final exam for semes-ter courses. Students performing well on the NECAP testing may be exempted from some of their exams.
Summer School Policy
A student who earns a final grade of “U” in a subject is ineligible to attend summer school for the purpose of making up the course. When a student receives a yearly average of “F” in a course, he/she has several options:
- Attend summer school. The summer school grade will appear on the student’s permanent record as well as the original “F.”
- Take a 3-credit course at a college or university to make up a one-credit high school course, or a 2-credit college course to make up a ½-credit high school course.
- Engage a certified private tutor for 30 hours to make up a one-credit high school course, or 15 hours to make up a ½-credit high school course.
- Repeat the course the following year.
- Refrain from repeating the course next year if it is not a required course, and if he/she has enough credits to be promoted to the next grade.