- Lincoln Middle School
- Health Services
Welcome to Lincoln Middle School Health Services
Emergency Procedure Cards
At the beginning of each school year, each student is asked to bring home two Emergency Procedure Cards to his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) for completion. The card must be returned by the student to his/her homeroom teacher as soon as possible. The Emergency Procedure Card contains the latest information on a student’s health status and up-to-date information on how to reach parents and/or their designee in an emergency situation. It is critical that we have an Emergency Procedure Card for each student enrolled. The information will be kept in the main office.
Procedure for Health Services Admittance
Health services provided by a certified school nurse-teacher are available for students in the Lincoln Public Schools. One of the purposes of the health services is to provide first aid in the schools to prevent further serious injury following an emergency or illness that takes place at school. In order for students to be admitted to the nurse’s office, they must adhere to the following guidelines:
A student must have a written pass from the teacher whose class he/she will be missing to come to the nurse’s office.
When a student comes to the nurse’s office at the end of a class period he/she will not be admitted and will be sent to the teacher of the class they are expected at for a pass.
When in the nurse’s judgment a student is too ill or injured to obtain a pass, the nurse will notify the teacher that the student is in the nurse’s office.
It is not acceptable for an ill student to spend a class period in a lavatory because they are "too ill" to make it to the nurse’s office. This will be treated as an unexcused absence from class, as the nurse is available to assist students as needed. Students who are ill are not to use their cell phones to call their parents. Contact with parents will be made through the school nurse.
Students should not assume that because they have an appropriate pass they are entitled to spend an entire class period in the nurse’s office. While consideration is always given to a student’s statement of ill health, nursing judgment is also utilized in determining if a student should be sent back to class, allowed to rest, or sent home.
Health Examinations
In accordance with the State of Rhode Island School Health Regulations, health examinations are required when a student enters the seventh grade.
This general health examination may be performed during the sixth (6th) grade, but no later than six (6) months after entry into the seventh (7) grade. All students who transfer into the Lincoln Public Schools are required to have a complete physical examination by their health care provider. Written evidence of the results of the physical examination must be given to the school nurse-teacher.
If there is no evidence that the appropriate health examination has been performed, the school system shall make provisions for said examination by the end of the school year in which it is required.
Sports and Medical Clearance
Any student participating in a sport at the middle school is required to provide the school nurse-teacher with written evidence of a physical examination and clearance to play a sport on a yearly basis and prior to tryouts (within the year for the specific sport season). If clearance expires during the season, an updated physical is required to complete the season. (RIPCOA)
NOTE: New (2015) RI Department of Health Regulation
A 3-dose immunization requirement is being phased in for Rhode Island students.
For fall 2015, 1 dose of HPV vaccine will be required for 7th graders
For fall 2016, 1 dose will be required for 7th graders and 2 doses will be required for 8th graders
For fall 2017, 1 dose will be required for 7th graders, 2 doses will be required for 8th graders, and 3 doses will be required for 9th graders
Requirements for all students entering 7th grade
In accordance with the Rhode Island Department of Health Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Immunization and Testing for Communicable Diseases (R23-1-IMM), all children entering the 7th grade are required to have the following immunizations:
Booster of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccine, if it has been 5 years or more since the last dose of diphtheria-tetanus containing vaccine.
Four (4) doses of Polio vaccine
Two (2) doses of MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
Two (2) doses of Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine received or a statement signed by your child’s doctor stating that your child has a history of chickenpox disease.
One (1) dose of Meningococcal conjugate (Meningitis) vaccine.
This general health examination may be performed during the sixth (6th) grade, but no later than six (6) months after entry into the seventh (7) grade
One(1) dose of HPV vaccine (New 2015—see above)
Annual Screenings
VISION SCREENING - all 7th graders will be given a vision screening (on school picture day) unless evidence is presented to the School Nurse/Teacher that the same screening was completed within the preceding 12 months by the student’s Ophthalmologist, Optometrist, or primary care provider. The student will be exempt from this exam requirement for the school year. The school nurse-teacher will notify the parent of any student who fails to meet the minimum vision requirements on the second screening in order to arrange for further evaluation or treatment.
SCOLIOSIS– all 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students will be provided a scoliosis screening. The screenings of male and female students are conducted separately and individually. The parent may have the screening conducted by a private physician and provide the results to the school nurse/teacher which will exempt the student from the screening done at the school. Scoliosis screening takes place in January/February. The school nurse-teacher will notify the parent of any student who has positive signs or symptoms of scoliosis, in order to arrange for further evaluation or treatment.
Dismissal for Sickness
If a student becomes ill during the school day, he/she will be assessed by the school nurse-teacher. She will determine if the student should be dismissed and will notify the parent/guardian. Students may not call home on their own to request dismissal.
Any student being dismissed from the school due to illness must be signed out of the building by a parent/guardian or an adult who has evidence and authorization to assume responsibility for the ill student. In emergency situations, Lincoln Middle School, acting on behalf of the parents /guardians, will notify Lincoln Rescue if a serious threat to life or physical well-being seems to warrant it. The parents/guardians will be notified as soon as possible should this course of action be necessary.
Students will be suspended for carrying, sharing, transferring, self-administering or in any way diverting his/her over-the-counter medication and or prescription medication. Any other over-the-counter medication requires a doctor’s order. No person except the school nurse-teacher may accept medication of any kind from a parent or student.
OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION (OTC) - Students may carry OTC medication to school and deliver it to the School Nurse/Teacher immediately upon arrival at school. Please note the following guidelines:
Medication must be in the original manufacturer’s container.
A medication permission form must be signed by the parent. This must be done yearly.
The school nurse-teacher will administer the medication in the nurse’s office.
Tylenol, Advil, and Tums are stocked in the nurse’s office. The dosage administered is according to label instructions. Higher dos-ages require a doctor’s order.
Under no circumstances will medication be administered without a parent’s or guardian’s signature.
Requires a doctor’s written order and a parent’s or guardian’s signature preferably on a medication form.
Medications that are once a day dosed will NOT be administered in school.
Students may carry prescription medication to school and deliver it to the School Nurse/Teacher upon arrival.
All medications must be stored in their original prescription-labeled containers.
INHALERS AND EPIPENS - Parents/Guardians must inform the School Nurse if their child requires an Inhaler or Epipen. Students requiring these items are allowed to self-carry and self-administer Inhalers and Epipens, but a written doctor’s order will be kept on file with the school nurse-teacher and requires a written agreement between the doctor, parent, and nurse that the student is capable and reliable to self-carry and self-administer these medications. Students will not be allowed to leave school without it. If the student no longer needs it, a physician’s note is required.
CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - A student may carry his/her own medication to school but must deliver it to the school nurse-teacher immediately upon arrival at school.
The school nurse-teacher will count and document the amount of medication received.
Medication must be stored in the original prescription-labeled container.
A written doctor’s order must be provided, as well as a parent’s or guardian’s signature.
MEDICATION ON FIELD TRIPS - Students may self-carry and self-administer one day’s supply of medication during a field trip. All medication must be supplied by the parent and shall be stored and transported in its manufactured container (School Health Programs, section 19.11- to 19.11.14)
When the medication permission slip is turned in to the teacher, said teacher will supply the school nurse-teacher with the copy of the completed medication portion of the permission slip. The school nurse-teacher will check with the student who will be carrying and administering the medication on the field trip. The school nurse-teacher will check that:
The student has only one day’s supply of medication
Medication is in the original container
Correct dose and name of medication are clear.
The school nurse-teacher will then consult with the supervising teacher regarding the students who will be carrying and administering medication of the field trip. If the field trip leaves prior to the start of school, the teacher and the school nurse-teacher will go over which students will be self-administering medications the day before the field trip. The supervising teacher will check with the student prior to the field trip departure.
Mental /Social Health
STUDENT ASSISTANCE COUNSELOR - The student assistance counselor may be made available for students who are concerned about a number of issues including substance abuse, tobacco use, alcohol, and other dependency issues. Students needing to make an appointment should make their request known to their guidance counselor. The student’s guidance counselor will contact the student assistance counselor and the student assistance counselor will contact the student to schedule an appropriate meeting time.
SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST AND SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER - The school psychologist’s office and school social worker’s office are located in the guidance wing. They are available to students by appointment and as needed.
This page will provide information for families and faculty of Lincoln Middle School. The information provided here does not replace medical evaluation and treatment. Please contact your health care provider for any medical advice.
- In accordance with the town-wide health policy, no food is served at school celebrations or events. You are encouraged to be creative with birthday and holiday celebrations held here at school.
- All children entering kindergarten must have a current physical on record in the school nurse’s office. Your child’s school health record will be kept current if you provide a report of his or her annual check up and return a yellow dental card signed by your dentist following a dental visit. In addition, please report any changes in medical status and/or medications to the nurse’s office. I’ll be able to monitor your child and inform you of any concerns.
- The protocol for medications at school is specific depending on the reason for the medication and the frequency. Please call me if you have questions.
Please inform us of any changes in your child’s health that may impact the school day. Changes include, but are not limited to: surgery, allergies, medications, or new medical diagnoses.
- Injuries occurring outside school hours may require modifications in gym or recess activities. We will follow Doctor’s orders when a note is turned in to the nurse’s office.
- After an annual physical, we can update your child’s health record as well. Just send us a copy.
- Need a blank copy to take to the visit?
Monitoring Health
- Illness: If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, please keep your child home. Your child should be fever free for 24 hours before s/he returns to school. If your child has vomiting or diarrhea, s/he should remain home for 24 hours afterwards to make sure food and liquids can be kept down.
- Sleep: Children at this age generally need at least 10 hours of sleep for optimal learning.
- Hygiene: Hand washing is the #1 thing everyone can do to stay healthy!
- Health Concerns: Please notify the nurse if your child has any health concerns such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, ADD, etc.
It is also important to inform the nurse if your child is on medications either at school or at home, or if they have any activity or diet restrictions.