The Lincoln Middle School recognizes its responsibility to provide a variety of intellectual, educational, and recreational activities for all students. Students are encouraged to participate in the many and varied co-curricular programs offered by the middle school. However, students may not remain in school after school hours unless they are involved in a scheduled supervised activity or are receiving instructional assistance from a teacher. Students are not permitted to remain in the building at any time unless a faculty sponsor supervises them. The safety of our students is paramount. 



    LMS offers multiple clubs and activities to all students, including but not limited to: 

    • Advanced Band 

    • Advanced Chorus

    • Best Buddies

    • Chess Club

    • Student Council         

    • Yearbook 


    Formation of Clubs

    • Student clubs and activities are based upon our current student interests and we are always open to run additional activities. 

    • Those who desire to form a club must expect to meet regularly. 

    • There must be a definitive organization, systematic procedures, and discipline of such a nature as to ensure orderly carrying out of club activities. 

    • Definite goals and objectives must be stated in writing to guide the club toward its purposes. Eligibility for and limitation, if any, of membership must be stated. This information must be submitted to the administration. 

    • A faculty member must agree to sponsor the club. An administrator must approve the formation of the club. 


    Leadership Behavior 

    Students who have the privilege of holding a position of leadership (club officer, team captains, etc.) are expected to behave in a manner that represents the school, the community, and themselves in an honorable manner. Students who fail to live up to the requirements of leadership will be removed from their positions by the administration. 


    Participation in Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities 

    1. In order to be eligible to participate in a club or activity, a student must be in good academic and behavioral standing. 

    2. A student who is academically ineligible to participate can have his/her case reviewed after mid-quarter interim reports. 

    3. A student who is asked to report to a teacher or detention after school must report, even if doing so causes him or her to miss a co-curricular activity. 

    4. A student may participate in as many activities as he/she can manage successfully. At least one activity is recommended for each student. 

    5. A student may not take part in any co-curricular activity if the student is absent from school on that particular day. A student must be in school all day on the last day of classes in session prior to a weekend or a vacation if the student wishes to participate in the activity during that time period. If a student is confronted with an unusual situation, the assistant principal will offer guidance. 


    Class and Co-Curricular Activity Funds 

    1. All money belonging to any school activity must be turned in to the principal’s office. 

    2. Such money turned in must be accompanied by a deposit slip. A receipt will be issued for all sums received, and the money will be deposited in a local bank. 

    3. The Lincoln Public Schools keep an accurate itemized separate account for each activity and issue checks (no cash payments are to be made) upon the written request (Expenditure Authorization Form) of the faculty sponsor of any activity having funds on deposit. The Lincoln Public Schools keep an accurate itemized account of the club’s financial dealings. 

    4. Club fundraising activities are restricted to school-sponsored groups. The application must be made to the administration at least ten (10) days before the start of the fundraising activity. No fundraising may take place unless administrative approval is obtained. 


    Student Council 

    The Student Council, the student government organization of the school, is composed of any student willing to serve as a member. It serves as a forum to voice student opinions and as a clearinghouse to organize student activities for the benefit of the entire school population. The Student Council not only promotes and encourages active student participation in all school activities, but it also serves as the student body’s voice in working with the faculty and administration to provide the best school climate possible. Through experience in student government, students have the opportunity to develop good citizenship practices, leadership abilities, and skills in the use of parliamentary procedures.