• Chartwells

    Our school meals, both breakfast and lunch, are provided by Chartwells. Menus can be found here and are updated monthly. 


    Additional information about Chartwells can be found on their website linked here.

  • Free and Reduced Lunch Application

    • There is a new process for Free and Reduced lunch applications this school year. The lunch application and instructions are now available online under, “Lunch Forms.”

      Parents who are completing an application should submit it in a sealed envelope addressed to: 

      John McNamee
      Lincoln Public Schools Business Office
      1624 Lonsdale Ave.
      Lincoln, RI 02865

      Applications can be submitted before the first day of school.

      Parents are welcome to drop off their application in a sealed envelope addressed to John McNamee, at school. The school secretary will forward it to the Business Office.