Welcome to Parent Resources

  • Back-to-School Resources for Parents

    Find information on easing transition jitters, managing kids’ tech use, getting involved in the school, and more. Click HERE for articles from Edutopia.com.


Parent Teacher Organization - 2023-2024

  • President
    Victoria Boulis

    Vice President
    Jaclyn Muccino

    Social Secretary
    Leslie Quish

    Co-Recording Secretaries
    Sara Argiro & Nicole Volpe

    Dorcy Amponsah & Erica Tessier


    Interested in volunteering? Visit: northern.ptboard.com

    • Select "volunteer signups" from the menu bar on the left.
    • Select the event you are interested in participating in.
    • Reminder: you must have a current BCI on file to volunteer - they can be obtained at the Lincoln Police Station.

    Any questions email NorthernLincolnPTO@gmail.com