Parent-Teacher Association

  • 2021-2022 Lonsdale Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association-LPT


    Lonsdale Parents and Teachers (LPT) 

    The LPT is a dedicated group of parents, staff, and community members 

    working to enhance the educational experience of all students.


    Welcome to the new board members for the 2021-2022 school year:

    Chelsea Reyes- LPT President

    Lisa Smith- LPT Vice President

    Barbara Fanelli- LPT Secretary

    Jeanne Macomber-LPT Treasurer

    You can email the LPT board members at: 

    WHAT does the LPT do?

    LPT facilitates several student and family events that not only support the educational curriculum at Lonsdale but also provide opportunities for Lonsdale families to have fun together as a community.


    HOW can you get involved in LPT?

    • Visit the LPT Welcome Table at the Back to School Social. Meet LPT Board members. Get information on how YOU can get involved.
    • Attend the monthly meetings. 
    • Join an LPT team to help with a specific project. 
      • School Committee Liaison
      • Family Events Planning Team
      • Holiday Extravaganza Planning Team
      • Teacher Appreciation Team
      • Fundraising Team
      • Enrichment Team
      • Book Fair Volunteer Opportunities

    WHY should parents get involved in LPT?

    1. Lonsdale students benefit.
    2. YOU make a difference.
    3. Events and programs need your support to be successful.
    4. Share your ideas and talents.

    Meeting Schedule

    The Lonsdale Parent-Teacher Association meets in-person and with a virtual via Zoom  option at 6:30 PM on the following dates:

    September 21 LPT Meeting, 6:30-7: 30 PM

    October 12 LPT Meeting, 6:30-7: 30 PM

    November 9 LPT Meeting, 6:30-7: 30 PM

    January 25 LPT Meeting- 6:30-7: 30 PM

    February 17 LPT Meeting, 6:30-7: 30 PM

    March 24 LPT Meeting, 6:30-7: 30 PM

    April 12 LPT Meeting, 6:30-7: 30 PM

    May 12 LPT Meeting, 6:30-7: 30 PM


    ***Complimentary child care will be provided by MacColl YMCA at all monthly meetings.