Welcome to PTO

  • Parent-Teacher Organization

    Meeting Schedule

    The Saylesville Parent-Teacher Association meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30-8:00 pm in the Art Room or Zoom.

PTO Board

  • 2023-2024 Saylesville PTO Board
    President - Brynn Bellows
    Vice President - Dottie Melo
    Treasurer - Ana Martins
    Recording Secretary - Jennifer Gartman
    Corresponding Secretary - Heidi Klausen
    Field Trip Chair - Bettina Bellone
    In school Enrichment - Melissa Kocon
    After School Enrichment - Melissa Houlihan 
    Volunteer Coordinator - Vlad Paul-Blanc
    Apparel Coordinator - Sheila Amicangelo
    Fundraising/ Restaurant Night Coordinator - Bettina Bellone
    Yearbook Coordinator - Jen Dalen
    Classroom Activities - Alison Avila
    Contact Information: LPSSaylesvillePTO@gmail.com