Welcome to Recess Guidelines



  • Indoor Recess – Central Elementary

    Indoor recess includes a movement choice for students if they want to do that.  Each grade provides a menu of choices for students during their recess block so students have an opportunity for free play with their peers.

    The following are the menu choices being offered by grade level:

    ike” factor. When at all possible we prefer to send students out for fresh air, however, we err on the side of caution if it is a cold and windy day. The condition of the playground and blacktop also factor into our decisions. Around 11:00 AM, Mrs. Rogers will look at the AccuWeather report and the National Weather Service local report to make a decision about the safety of outdoor recess.


    • Begin with 15 minutes of GoNoodle exercise in every room
    • Follow with 15 minutes of playing various games with their classmates in each room

    Grade 1:

    • Begin with 15 minutes of GoNoodle exercise in every room
    • Follow with 15 minutes of playing various games with their classmates in each room

    Grade 2:

    • Begin with 15 minutes of GoNoodle exercise in every room
    • Follow with 15 minutes of playing various games with their classmates in each room

    Grade 3:

    • Movie and Crafts — Room 3A
    • Movement Room —  Room 3D

    Grade 4:

    • Movement Room —  Room 4J
    • Board Game Room —  Room 4A
    • Arts & Crafts Room/Lego or Marble Race —  Room 4C
    • Students will select a room and stay there until the end of recess.

    Grade 5:

    • Mrs. Halliwell will be offering an exercise class at 11:30 for teachers and students.  There will be a sign up sheet in her room for these classes.
    • Students who choose to not participate in the exercise class will stay in their assigned home rooms during recess
    • Each room will have a dance/movement GoNoodle/Video playing for those that want to dance or practice dance moves
    • Various board games/computer games are available in each room
    • Sack toy game can be played in the hallway